by Srinivas Yadav
GSoC 2021 Final Report
HPX algorithms support data parallelism through explicit vectorization using Vc library and only for a few algorithms like for_each, transform and count, but recently the support for Vc library has been deprecated and has been replaced by std::experimental::simd. In this project I have adapted many algorithms to datapar using new backend std::experimental::simd with two new policies simd and par_simd using the data-parallel types proposed in the experimental namespace. For all the algorithms adapted to datapar, separate tests have been created.
I have created a new github repository namely std-simd-perf for the benchmarks of the algorithms that I have adapted to datapar which have various plots for speed up analysis and roofline model for artificial benchmarks and real world applications.
Pull Requests for HPX Repo
- Adapt data parallel support using std-simd #5328
- Adapts the std-simd backend for the data parallel algorithms.
- Renames the execution policies datapar and dataseq to par_simd and simd respectively to maintain consistency with std::unseq and std::par_unseq.
- Adapt datapar copy #5428
- Supports vectorization for copy algorithm.
- Adapt datapar fill #5465
- Supports vectorization for fill algorithm.
Other Adapted Algorithms to datapar [code]:
- adjacent_difference
- adjacent_find
- all_of , any_of, none_of
- copy
- count
- find
- for_each
- generate
- transform
Performance Benchmarks
- The std-simd-perf repository contains all the benchmarks for simd on artificial algorithms such as for_each, transform, count, find etc.. and on real world examples such as Mandelbrot set.
- These benchmarks were run on different clusters and have separate branches for each architecture in the repo.
- Speed up plot for a compute bound kernel using for_each algorithm
- Speed up plot for a simd reduction based algorithm using count algorithm
Beyond GSoC
- Adapt #2333 rest of the algorithms to support data parallel.
- I will be further working with STE||AR GROUP for HPX in other areas as well as this is a great community to learn with great people and expand my knowledge.
Special thanks to Hartmut Kaiser, Nikunj Gupta and Auriane R. for all the guidance and help with frequent meetings.