Our GSoC student, Denis Blank, has done a very nice write up of his work over the summer here. In the blog, he outlines his work re-implementing hpx::util::unwrapped as well as his contributions to unify the hpx::wait and hpx::when API. He illustrates the
Articles from August 2017
GSoC 17: Final documentation for Parallel algorithms 2
By taeguk (http://taeguk.me)
HPX is “The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Parallelism”. So, implementing C++17 parallelism like N4409 is very important. Most of parallel algorithms are already implemented. But, still some algorithms are remained to be not implemented. My main
GSoC 17: Final documentation for Parallel algorithms 1
By Ajai V George under the supervision of Marcin Copik
My proposal was to implement distributed versions of STL parallel algorithms. The main focus has been on resolving as much of the pending work in #1338 , which is about ensuring that these algorithms work seamlessly with distributed data structures like
GSoC 17 Status update after second evaluation
At the end of July, we completed the second evaluation of our Google Summer of Code program. Here we have collected all of the pull request and blog posts that our students have produced. Check them out below: