Make sure to read our release notes for a full list of changes as they contain important information on deprecations and breaking changes.
Thank you to everyone in the STE||AR Group and all the volunteers who have provided fixes, opened issues, and improved the documentation.
Download the release from our releases page.
The highlights of this release are:
- We continued with the modularization. This results in the deprecation of several headers which have been moved to a different location while better matching the standard ones, we encourage you to update your includes to the new header location as soon as possible as it will be removed in a couple of releases. Here is the link to the headers you should refer to the public API.
- We adapted several algorithms to be C++20 conformant and added hpx::stable_sort.
- We have refactored the CMake target, you can now link directly to HPX::hpx (link additionally to HPX::wrap_main to have your main() to be used as the first HPX thread).
- HPX now requires a C++14 compatible compiler and the standard is set by default to C++14.
If you have any questions, comments, or exploits to report you can reach us on IRC (#ste||ar on freenode), on the matrix hpx channel, or email us at hpx-users. We depend on your input!