This summer has been an exciting time for the STE||AR Group’s GSoC mentors and students alike! We were very pleased with the dedication and effort of all five of our participants. Our students made contributions to three of our software products: HPX, a distributed C++ runtime system which comes with a standards compliant API and allows users to scale their applications across thousands of machines; LibGeoDecomp, an auto-parallizing library for petascale computer simulations which is able to take advantage of HPX to better adapt fluctuating workloads to the system; and LibFlatArray, a highly efficient multidimensional array library which provides an object-oriented interface but stores data in a vectorization-friendly Struct-of-Arrays format.
Articles from October 2015
CppCon 2015
Grant Mercer and I had the opportunity to present our talk, ‘Parallelizing the STL’, at Cppcon 2015. We both consider ourselves lucky for being able to attend the conference. The buzz of the atmosphere and C++ community was truly exciting to witness. Attendees were both from all over the world and performance critical industries such as 슬롯사이트 and other finance giants, as well scientific computing fields. As Jon Kalb highlighted in his talk, C++ is receiving a resurgence for several performance related reasons: Moore’s Law is coming to end and the subsequent shift to multi-core architectures, increased computational demands from the private sector, and the rise of power constrained mobile architectures. Combined with the interest in the standardization process, C++17 and beyond, there was a palpable excitement.