In Jacksonville at the winter 2016 C++ standardization meeting, Intel presented the second revision of their standardization proposal targeting index-based parallel for-loops (the latest document at the time of this writing is P0075R1). This document describes a couple of basic parallel for-loop constructs which complement the existing parallel algorithms which we have already implemented for quite some time in HPX. The following is taken from this document:
Articles from March 2016
HPX and C++17
During the Jacksonville meeting of the C++ standards committee last week the so called Parallelism TS was accepted into the next official International Standard, also known as C++17. We can now expect for all major vendors of C++ compilers to implement the very same parallelism facilities as HPX has exposed for almost 2 years already!
A while back, we wrote about how HPX implements parallel algorithms. At the time of that writing, these parallel algorithms were freshly published as a WG21 Technical Specification with the goal of moving them into the main C++ International Standard at some point in the future. Since then, we have continued to work hard on implementing HPX versions of the proposed algorithms. In addition, we have added extensions in our implementation such as the “task” policy which enables asynchronous execution of the algorithm. We have also spent a lot of time tuning our implementation to make it as performant as possible. For instance, we have shown that it is possible for the relatively higher-level parallelization abstractions in HPX to match or to even outperform the performance of equivalent applications based on well-known and well-honed technologies like OpenMP.
The STE||AR Group is proud of the fact that our implementation in HPX has provided implementation, usage experience, and early feedback to the C++ committee. These contributions have helped to get this specification into the new standard. We hope to continue to be a flexible and valuable testbed for all future standardization proposals relating to parallelism and concurrency.
GSoC’16: Come Enjoy a STE||AR Summer of Code!
The STE||AR Group is honored to have been selected as one of the 2016 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) mentor organizations! This program, which pays students over the summer to work on open source projects, has been a wonderful experience for the past two years that we have been accepted by the program. Interested students can find out more about the details of the program on GSoC’s