Srinivas Yadav is a final year under-graduate student pursuing a Bachelors in Computer Science in India. He has been working for STE||AR Group for 8 months now and is interested in the area of vectorization in the field of HPC. He has worked on HPX for the project “Adding par_simd implementations to parallel algorithms”.
Srinivas relied on guidance from STE||AR Group members, Prof. Hartmut Kaiser, Nikunj Gupta, and Auriane Reverdell, to work through his GSoC project.
Srinivas published and presented the paper “Parallel SIMD – A Policy Based Solution for Free Speed-Up using C++ Data-Parallel Types at ESPM2, SC21 in November 2021.
While working with STE||AR Group and HPX Srinivas has learned more about the field of computer science and programming. He learned how to use HPC clusters, and was given remote access to Rostam Cluster at LSU, CCT by Hartmut Kaiser to run SIMD benchmarks on different machines available. Currently, Srinivas is working remotely on Ookami Cluster at Stony Brook University to perform the SIMD benchmarks for ARM machines (on A64FX node) and working with octo-tiger to port new vectorization backends which could be used to run the octo-tiger benchmarks on these nodes
He also learned the importance of collaboration with different researchers from different time zones. Getting international schedules together can be tricky!
Currently, Srinivas is working on three key areas
First is adapting algorithms to SIMD policies in HPX. The main aim of this task is to adapt as many algorithms as possible to SIMD execution policies in HPX, which contributes to fixing #2333.
Second is to port std::experimental::simd to Octo-Tiger. There are many kernels in Octo-Tiger library which currently use HPX-Kokkos with Vc library for vectorization, but now Vc is deprecated and the plan isto replace it with std::experimental::simd.
Finally, porting the EVE library as a new vectorization/simd backend to HPX. HPX currently has two vectorization backends, a newer one is std::experimental::simd, the older one is Vc (now deprecated) so needs to be replaced by a newer library and EVE seems to be perfect fit for that slot.
Srinivas has applied to LSU for a masters in Computer Science for the coming Fall Semester 2022. He is very excited to come to CCT and LSU!
Other than academics/work, Srinivas enjoys playing badminton, watching and playing cricket and exploring new places/traveling a lot. Recently, he started learning cooking and learning a new Indian language (Tamil).